Since 1978, Broussard Logistics has seen the LTL landscape evolve. We have studied & been involved in this evolution, which has allowed us to recruit the top talent and tools to help our customers optimize pricing.
We understand how difficult it can be for one company to establish these insights, let alone maximize the benefit of these tools. Every procurement event is unique, customized to the shipper specific characteristics.
We offer carrier rate negotiation services that level the playing field between our customers and carriers.
As a starting point, we have high-level relationships with carriers as well as a track record of employing associates with experience within carriers’ pricing departments to maximize benefits to our clients.
Based on our company’s longevity and number of customers served, Broussard has access to massive amounts of data and market information to utilize in negotiations that most companies do not have access to.
We keep abreast of market changes, pricing shifts, and other factors that only a company in our unique position can tap into – and use on your behalf at the negotiating table.
Broussard Logistics’ LTL contract optimization lets you save money on transportation spend in the short and long term.
Our consistent monitoring allows you to keep contracts and carrier agreements up to date.
It also ensures you continue to enjoy top-quality service and fair prices from your LTL carriers.
With our long-standing relationships with carriers and shippers across the country — we can help you achieve your goals, lower costs, and keep up with the ever-changing shipping industry.
Broussard Logistics currently works with clients across various industries, including manufacturing, eCommerce, distribution, and energy. Our experts work hard to assist businesses of all sizes in negotiating contracts to get the best rates and terms.